Our goal is to learn how to get ex back. This will require certain changes in order to ensure the relationship will work the second time around. Before embarking on a mission o get your ex back, think about the possible changes that are required to allow the relationship to work again. Determine whether you will be able to sustain these changes. If you do not think this is possible, it is not a good idea to try to get back with your ex, as this will only result in further heartache for both sides.
If you believe that you are capable of making and sustaining any necessary changes, begin the process by contacting your ex. Make the initial contact simple and reasonably free of any strong emotion. Slowly begin to increase contact, working your way up to spending time with your ex partner.
When spending time with your ex, be sure to include activities that you may have previously enjoyed as a couple. This will aid in reminding each of you about the good aspects of the relationship and what you are missing out on by not being together.
For men, during the time you spend with your ex, you will be aiming to show her that you can fulfill her emotional desires. A woman is driven by her feelings and emotions, so showing her that you are capable of providing her with everything she requires emotionally will aid in you getting her back.
Show her that you genuinely appreciate her feelings and emotions by taking the time to listen to what she has to say. Remain attentive and on the look out for any nonverbal cues she may be giving you.
For women, spending time with your ex will provide you with the opportunity to show your ex how your have changed anything that may have affected your previous relationship (i.e. if your nagging was affecting your previous relationship, show him how you have taken steps to minimize your nagging).
It may help your case to flirt a little whilst spending time with your ex. Ensure you keep it light and subtle, however make your intentions obvious. Nothing flatters a member of the opposite sex than showing them that they are desired.
For both sides, it is important to maintain or improve your fitness. If you found you let yourself go in your previous relationships, take the time to get yourself back together. Nothing will make your ex notice or want you more than seeing an all new and improved you.
I hope you found this article on how to get ex back useful. Come back soon for more tips!